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Siliguri, for some it is the main commercial city of North Bengal and for some its importance comes from its strategic placement near international and state borders. But most of all Siliguri is blessed with the beauty of nature. The town of Siliguri is an important transportation, trading and educational center which is situated on the banks of the river Mahananda and speared in the foot hill of Eastern Himalaya.
Look behind just a century ago, Siliguri was nothing but a small village with more small population. Agriculture was the only occupation of the dwellers of then Siliguri. After partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947 and the creation of Bangladesh in 1971, the city of Siliguri became a crowded refugee center. But today Siliguri has achieved the position of second largest city in the West Bengal with a population of 1,22,0275 (according to 2001 census) Going further ahead Siliguri is now considered as one of the fastest growing in the country. read more..
The Geo strategic importance of the town Siliguri is unforgettable. Siliguri connects three international borders (Bangladesh, China, and Nepal) which is rare evidence on the map of the world. Siliguri is joined with Kalimpang (Kalimpong) and Sikkim by road and there is rail connections with Darjeeling (Darjeeling) and Jalpaiguri. Being so located,Siliguri became a trade hub for the whole West Bengal. An important nerve center of all kinds of activities related to the trade and commerce of the region. Siliguri is occupying a leading position in all type of business. Today whether production or agriculture or service, at every sector Siliguri is establishing its strong base. Saw milling and jute milling are important industries over here; there are also tea plantations in the main importance. The population of the city Siliguri along with its surrounding areas has crossed a million and still growing at a fast speed.
Siliguri is a paradise of scenic beauty marinating wonderful balance between industrial state and ecology of the reign. Siliguri attracts the tourist of far and away with its immense natural beauty of the place. Siliguri is the center for a number of shopping malls and considered as a place for variety of foreign goods. With a perfect blend of ethnicity and modernism Siliguri can perfectly describe as a shoppers’ heaven.
Being located at a great international and national position Siliguri contains a mixture of different people, religions, cultures and languages. Ranjbongshi people were originally owned most of the land of Siliguri is now decreasing with times. Marwaris’, Punjabis’, Biharis’, Gorkhas’ and Bengalis are now the most prominent communities here in Siliguri. Hindi, Marwari, Bengali and Nepali are the commonly spoken regional languages at Siliguri.
Without any doubt Siliguri is a dream location for many people and number of Siliguri obsessed people are growing with every second of the time.

Siliguri, the educational hub not only for North Bengal but also for the neighboring states. Students even from states like Sikkim, Nagaland and Assam come here to pursue education.

Siliguri is blessed with wonderful natural beauty. Siliguri is renowned for its three “T” – the tea, timber and tourism. The other two may be part of economic world but the tourism

Important Number
Siliguri is blessed with wonderful natural beauty. Siliguri is renowned for its three “T” – the tea, timber and tourism. The other two may be part of economic world but the tourism